The 2023 Hantec Group Annual Dinner was Successfully Held

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The annual dinner of Hantec Group was successfully held on 6 January 2023 in the banquet room of Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong. Colleagues in Hong Kong headquarter was invited to join us to celebrate this new year event. Due to the epidemic, the annual dinners were suspended for three years and resumed this year. Every colleague was looking forward to joining it.  

Mr Freddy Lau, CEO of Hantec Group delivered a speech at the dinner to summarize the Group's achievements in the past year. He expressed his heartfelt thanks for our colleagues' hard work and contributions to the company. He also mentioned the company's upcoming direction and committed to working together for progress.  

The Group commended the employees who have served the company for many years with dedication and presented multiple awards, including 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, 20-year and 25-year long-term service awards to them.  

There were also lucky draw sessions with a total of hundred gifts given out that night and everyone got a share. The annual dinner ended with lots of joy, which marked the beginning of a new page for the Group in the new year.

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Group photo for colleagues in Hong Kong headquarter

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Hantec Consulting Limited

Unit 4614, 46/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong


(852) 2214 4288

W. https://www.hantecconsulting.com/

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Hantec Group

Units 4609-4614, 46/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, HK


(852) 2214 4101

W. https://www.hantecgroup.com

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Hantec (Yangzhou) Water Supply Company Limited

Hengda Road, Jiangdu, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China


(86) 514 8643 7527

W. http://www.hdyzsw.com

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